Tidbit Tuesday - Family life

Those of you that follow us know that I (Mandy) have a couple of little rugrats.  My girl is going to be 4 in a couple of weeks (where does time go??) and my boy turned 2 in April.  They go to daycare a couple of times a week which is essential for us.  It gives me time to get a lot of work done and it gives them some time to hang out with other kids without mom there, which I love.  It's also so nice to have a few days with them, where I can focus on just them (well most of the time anyhow!).  I think I can finally say I have found a perfect work/life balance.  It has take a long time to get here, but it is so nice that we have found something that works for us.  I know so many other photographers who struggle with this, trying to work every evening and weekend.  If you happen to be reading this, feel free to message me to gain some sanity in your life:).  My hubby and I will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary on July 25!  Got any fun ideas for us to do?  Let me know!  I would love to hear them.  Here is a family photo from our session last fall with In Love with Photography.  We already have our session this year booked at the end of August.