While doing my own search for a photographer for my annual family photos, I realize that so many photographers put very little on their websites about themselves. I find this so odd, because in my opinion, the person behind the camera is just as important, if not more important than their portfolio... so I decided to write a little something about me over the next little while. Every second Tuesday, I will write a little tidbit, naming the blog posts, tidbit Tuesday. So, my first tidbit... geeze, where do I start?! Let's keep the first one light...
Something you may or may not know about me is that I know 3 languages. Well when I say I know, I use that term very loosely, lol. English is obviously my first language, my second being French. I was in French immersion throughout my entire education, so I think if I went to Montreal I would be able to pick it up quite quickly, as I am super rusty. And the last language I picked up while living in Mexico: Spanish. I lived there for a year teaching English and decided that I had to learn some while living there, so basically I know the basics. I know how to tell a cab driver where to go, how to order off a menu, how to tell someone off, you know, all the basics that you would need to learn being a blond 19 year old female living in a Mexican town where we are the only white people. So when I say I know 3 languages, I can't speak them fluently, but I can totally get by, as long as you speak really slow! LOL. Well being a photography blog, I suppose I should include a photo! I photographed these beauties a few years back. Want to know something about me? Just ask in the comments! I'm an open book!